Friday, July 29, 2011

More than a cause

Barca is up for all the social causes. The club is about bringing in a change in the world, not just brilliant football. With each of the deeds such as the recent one, I agree more and more to FC Barcelona's motto, "More than a club"!
Barça launched another message of its social commitment yesterday in Washington D.C. with the agreement with The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to end the scourge of polio. The US philanthropist praised the Club's commitment at an event where he was accompanied by Club President Sandro Rosell and first team coach Josep Guardiola.
Bill Gates, who is now dedicating his time completely to his foundation, praised Barça's implication in social work: "they don't just win out on the field, they also have their values off the pitch and those are values which we share" The Microsoft co-founder also called Guardiola "a genius" and had words of support for the Club's commitment to its youth system and the Club's singularity: "a foundation at a football club is really something out of the ordinary".
Pep Guardiola echoed the President's feelings about the power of the game, claiming: "we know that many millions of children throughout the world look to us and we have a great responsibility. When I see what is happening in places like Somalia, it makes me happy that I am at a club which promotes the values that ours does", Andres Iniesta and Eric Abidal also attended the event which was widely covered by the US media.

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